College living can feel like a whirlwind as you have so many things going on at once. It can be easy to slip into bad habits when you’re in college, making you highly disorganized. This semester, you should prioritize breaking out of these habits and focus on organization. 

Being organized is one of the best studying tips you can follow, as it leads to so many benefits. Here’s how your college life will be impacted when you take a more organized approach to things.

Stop Losing Important Items

Organization means having a place for all of your important items. This can include any of the following: 

  • Car keys
  • Wallet
  • Phone
  • Textbooks
  • Notebooks

When you know where all of these things are, it’s easier to navigate college life. You’re not rushing around trying to find a textbook for an upcoming lecture or texting roommates asking if they saw your keys or wallet. Everything has its place, and you know where to go for whatever it is you need. 

This can also help you save money as you’re not paying to replace lost items. Textbooks cost a fortune these days, so you can’t afford to keep misplacing them! 

Experience Less Stress

College living will always be stressful because of what you’re doing. It’s a high-pressure environment filled with exams, assignments, and lots of competition. You need to be at your best to secure top marks and put yourself in a positive place for the future. 

Being organized helps you cope with stress and makes your experience easier to deal with. Again, part of this stems from keeping things in specific places and knowing where they are. You’re not stressed when studying because you can find the books you need with ease. 

Similarly, organization in college refers to how you plan your schedule. An organized student will map out their days and plan around their timetable. You’ll know what you’re doing, how long you’re doing it for, and when you’re doing it. As a result, you make better use of your days, so you never end up in a mad rush frantically trying to complete an assignment for your next lecture.

Prepare Better For Tests

Get into the habit of being organized around exam time. This is when stress levels are at their peak, but most students feel on edge because they’ve not done enough preparation. If you’re prepared for anything in life, the situation becomes easier to deal with. 

Create a study routine so you assign different parts of your day to certain subjects or topics. Get organized by collecting old test papers or researching possible questions online. Following this routine and having loads of test resources helps you study more efficiently. You have more time to study things and you’re not wasting valuable hours messing around or being disorganized. 

When finals and other tests come around, you’ll feel very confident. You know that you’ve done more than enough to prepare and can trust that you learned a lot. There’s also no last-minute cramming for tests you forgot about! This is so common among college students, as many don’t keep track of everything on their schedules effectively. A professor might’ve mentioned a test a few weeks ago, but if you don’t jot it down, it might slip from your mind and you only remember it when a classmate asks how much studying you’ve done the day before. Then, you may find yourself in an all-nighter filled with cramming, which is the worst way to prepare for a test. 

If you want better grades and less stress, you need to stay organized. Prepare for things weeks or months in advance, not hours!

Saves A Lot Of Time

Think about how much time you waste when you’re disorganized. At the time, it didn't seem like a huge deal at all. You’re getting ready for a day of classes, but you’re looking around your room for all the books you need to take with you. It takes five or 10 minutes before you finally gather everything and get out the door. 

What if this happens multiple times a day? You might come home after a class and then need to head back out. Another 10 minutes could be wasted due to disorganization. Over time, these moments can add up and lead you to be even more stressed.

Organized students save so much time because they know where everything is, they’re aware of what’s coming up on their schedule, and they’re always ready to go. Think about it this way: If you’re organized, those wasted minutes are suddenly freed up. This gives you more free time every week, or additional time to prepare for tests. It makes college living more convenient, as you’re not constantly strapped for time. 

Improves Your Health

We spoke about organization helping you reduce stress, but it does other things that are valuable for your health & well-being. 

For example, if we look at the previous point about saving time, being organized can give you more productive hours in a day. From here, you could use this time to go to the gym, join a sports club, or go for a run. All of these things help with your physical fitness while also having a positive impact on your mental health.

Furthermore, organized students tend to have better sleep cycles. Your days are more adequately planned out and you shouldn’t feel the need to cram late at night. You get into the good habit of following a sleep schedule, meaning you’re always getting seven to nine hours of rest a night. This is so beneficial, as every morning you awake feeling refreshed and focused. A good sleep schedule is vital for your health and makes you feel good. It can also translate to better college performance because you’re more focused and alert!

Stay Relaxed & Organized This Semester At Hillcrest Townhouses

If you want to enjoy a more relaxing and organized college experience at BYU-I, Hillcrest Townhouses are perfect for you. We offer a range of affordable men’s and women’s housing with ample space and plenty of room for storage. Contact us today to inquire about any vacancies.